Lenten Challenge: Abstaining From The Orphan Mentality


Lenten Challenge: Abstaining From The Orphan Mentality

As we’re a few weeks into lent, I propose to you that we we abstain from an orphan mentality in our spiritual life. I propose that we turn a deaf ear to the devil’s provocations, “If you are the son of God…” knowing that we are sons in the Son. May we know in our deepest core the truth that we are daughters of God our Father.


Marrying Young? Shouldn't We Wait Until 30?!


Marrying Young? Shouldn't We Wait Until 30?!

Many people tend to look down upon young adults getting married in their 20's saying that they're "too young" and may even call it an immature decision. What they fail to realize is that God calls us all to a given vocation whenever He wants and whenever He knows we are ready.